
Excellent and fast service! We are very pleased with the quality and speed of delivery of your products. We thank you and look forward to ordering from Advance Shipping Supplies in the future!

—Armindo, apparel distribution center
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Advance Shipping always has a large array of products to choose from. The sales staff is friendly and informative and we can always count on our order coming in a timely manner.

—Leah, manufacturer of P.O.P. displays
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We use Advance Shipping Supplies for many consumable items and they always ensure we have adequate supply.  They are the perfect single source for our business and the service is supreme.  Our representative is excellent, cares about his customers and goes out of his way to source new supplies to meet our growing demand.  Our rep reviews our current trends and offers suggestions for improvements and alternatives to enable us to continue to be efficient and cost conscious in the current economic climate. 

—Dan, national food service manufacturer
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Advance Shipping is great company – fair pricing, and will always go the extra mile to help their customers. I would highly recommend Advance!

—Paul, national automotive distribution centre
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I have had the pleasure of dealing with Advance Shipping Supplies for 20 or more years with my previous employer, the largest telecom supplier in the world, and now with my current company, the largest distribution company in Canada. The sales team has supported both companies I have worked for extremely well; quite often researching better packaging methods than we had been using. Also the inside sales team have been very quick to react to all my requests, from pricing to availability, and even offering suggestions when I wasn't sure what product to order. I would highly recommend Advance to anyone looking for shipping supplies of any kind.

—Howard, fulfillment industry
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We are very pleased with the business relationship we currently enjoy with Advance Shipping Supplies, and in particular, our Sales Representative. Our rep has taken the time to understand our business and our shipping supplies needs, and Advance has consistently delivered superior service and products at competitive prices. Advance's problem-solving approach and in-depth knowledge of the industry has provided the solutions we needed.

—Phil, print media company
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We have been buying from Advance Shipping Supplies for many years now and have always been very happy with their service.  Our rep has always been very helpful in sourcing new items for us.  Pricing is always good and delivery quick.  I would recommend Advance to anyone!

—Peter, hospitality industry
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Advance Shipping Supplies has been a long-term partner of ours, supplying a large variety of products supporting our national distribution network. The quality of product, cost-effectiveness, product knowledge and support, special project assistance and the exceptional staff, have offered true value to our supply chain and made this relationship so successful.

—Ron, major electronics manufacturer
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We have been doing business with Advance Shipping for a long time. Their commitment to customer satisfaction is outstanding. They go the extra mile to get what you need when you need it.

—Howie, custom packaging company
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Advance Shipping Supplies has provided a significant portion of our packaging requirements over the last 10 years. The sales and customer service teams have worked effectively to keep our plant supplied with competitively priced, high-quality packaging materials. Orders are entered and invoiced correctly and on-time delivery is excellent. When our plant experiences sudden supply issues, the team at Advance has never failed to help us out of a jam. This kind of service deserves loyalty and support and you folks have ours. Thanks for great service.

—Earl, equipment manufacturer
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Our sincere thanks to the staff at Advance Shipping Supplies for your exceptional customer service. You have made Advance an easy choice as a vendor with which we have developed a long-term relationship.

—Charles, equipment manufacturer
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Advance Shipping Supplies has been our partner for 25 years. Their combination of products, service, and knowledge has helped to keep our operations running smoothly, cost effectively and safely. Their team is customer-focused and always willing to help.

—T. B., national automotive distribution centre
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Advance Shipping provides exceptional service and expertise when it comes to my packaging and warehouse needs.  They help get my product out to our customers efficiently and in a timely fashion!

—Kevin, nutritional supply house
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Advance Shipping has always provided more than competitive pricing on any product you can think of. And their after sales follow-up is what makes it for us.

—Clarence, fulfillment/warehousing firm
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Advance provides our company with exceptional, A1 service. Our sales rep is knowledgeable and knows what we need sometimes even before we do!

—Gail, national food distribution centre
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Best thing we ever did in sourcing warehouse supplies was finding Advance Shipping. From a very knowledgeable rep to great service—and of course very competitive pricing, we couldn't be happier.

—John, large national logistic centre
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